The above was the second draft for the cover for Beneath a Brass Sky. In this iteration, we narrowed up for the ebook ratio (1.6:1) and turned the Wayfarers so that they were aimed towards the horizon rather than across it (East. Always East . . .)
In the foreground is Ulfric, reined up with the brindle. In this shot, the tail of his shemagh is flapping in the wind, but it looked a bit too much like a ponytail, so we nixed that detail.
To me, this scene is so evocative of the story. I can taste the pinch of lusk in Ulfric's lip. Feel the chafe of the sand on his skin. Smell the acrid air of the wastescape. The brindle's caught a whiff of something on the air, too. Is it a hint of carrion rot? Are they being tailed?
And what waits beyond that smoking summit?
From here, we began to add color and detail.
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